Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Had A Dream Last Night (Whatever)

My dreams have been giving me no rest from the absurd and bizarre lately. Maybe it's good for me. I feel like my subconscious always knows what's up. Better than I do, anyway.
I can't wait to take some animation classes, I'm suddenly so inspired! If I knew how, I'd animate some of this weird shit. But let's see what I can convey using a picture from the first page of a google images search.
So, in the past two weeks there has been:

a werewolf man who I failed to kill with my bow and arrow:

strangely enough, he WAS dressed in Native American tribal stuff

a live palm-sized fish that I had to eat alive, which turned out to have a woman's face:

This is totally unrelated.

slitting a friend's throat vertically with a knife:

this is actually a chick, I think, which is very sad but I'd say equally as disturbing

being on top of the twin towers, which were taller than usual and swaying dangerously in the wind:

they were thinner and scarier than this. Plus, slippery, and I really thought I was going to die.

large panthers that were trying to brainwash Frances's cat Charlie:


That one ended with me having to hammer a spike into Charlie's brain without destroying it....

Thank god I woke up.

Anyway, if you haven't ever read it, you definitely need to check out ReadyMade magazine. It's absolutely spectacular and makes you wish you had a house to build or a trailer to refurbish. For real. And it just has really good intuitive tips for everyday life. I love it!

How cool is this??

If anyone wants to make a bookshelf or a house or something, please let me know.

1 comment:

frances said...

why did you post that chick picture, ew!

and charlie would eat the panther. or pee on him.