Saturday, November 29, 2008

Come Over and Let's Sleep.

Today has been an eventful week.
My god my brain is in a state of shock. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever regain my grip on reality. Or did I ever have one.....ooooooohhh.... blah.
To summarize, stress is eating me from the toes up, and is now right about at my navel. I used to think my navel never ended. Like if I dug into it it would just keep going. Weird. Gross. I also slept in a hot tub last night. and was repeatedly molested by sage bushes. And I think my neighbors have decided that our family is officially the strangest thing to ever drop into their neighborhood and probably are secretly happy we're almost all gone. That being said they're very nice very amazing people. But even amazing nice people don't like UFOs landing in their backyards. Needless to say, I'm implanting a copy of my house key into my left ankle so that i can rip it out at the necessary moment and save everyone eight hours of floaty warm sleeplessness.
I watched the movie closer again today. I keep trying to give it a chance ever since the first time I dismissed it. I'd love to think it's making a powerful and profound statement about love and people, but it's sort of hard for me to believe. There are definitely points where I feel like it's right on, but then others they totally lose me.
Winter is a shitty time to be lonely. Or maybe it's that winter makes you feel like you're lonely even when you're not. Both. Anyways I sort of wish I had a twin or something. Or a best friend. Not that I don't. But someone who was my best friend and whose best friend was me. It's all about reciprocity. Or maybe I just need a dog. I'm seriously considering a cat. I appreciate Henry, my stuffed white owl, so much at night it's ridiculous. But I don't know what I'd do without him.
And I need to do laundry. Basically my entire closet is sitting in my laundry basket. And my apartment is messy. I hate that. There's too much stuff and I'm too unmotivated in life to do anything. so I wallow. I'm sorry it's so messy. Really. I swear I'm not normally like this. Please don't think I'm a dirty person. I'm not!
I'm not.


frances said...

Hedwig was renamed Henry?

Karinne said...

Ummm...I think the misunderstanding is that you renamed him Hedwig. Then I overturned your decision.

frances said...

Well, I think you meant Henri, not Henry