Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I Love Food and Tubes You Can Dance In

While sitting in Which Wich today, well, just typing that now, may I point out what a horrible name for anything that is? Maybe one person every couple of days reads that restaurant's sign and guffaws, but other than that it's just a really annoying name that's hard to say and frankly is completely verbally unappetizing.
When I say verbally appetizing, I mean like how maybe a name like "Thai Noodle House" or "Dolce Vita" makes you think of deliciousness and furthermore sounds pretty and rolls off the tongue. "Which Wich," on the other hand, sounds to me like having a mouthful of sand, and that doesn't exactly get my mouth watering. Not to say that some really awesome eateries don't have questionable names like "Food Heads" or Dirty's. But their tantalizing meals redeem them from any shame. Something I cannot say for "Which Wich." And yet I ate there today...
Well, my point was, while I was sitting in the aforementioned unfortunately named place of mediocre sandwiches, I was looking at the shape of the building and I suddenly was overcome with a burning desire to refurbish it and turn it into a nightclub.
This thought was almost immediately banished because of the location, which wouldn't be good for night life. But, something about the shape of the interior to me screamed dark light and pounding techno. Good techno, mind you, more like electronica and dance and whatever. It reminded me, I suppose, of a number of designs for bars I've seen that are housed in tubes or those big railroad cargo boxes.
There is something appealing about there being an entire night's worth of dancing, drinking, and general l-i-v-i-n all packed into the confines of a box. A unit, as I am fond of saying. And during the day, this box would close, the garage door would roll down, and maybe the iron grating in front of it would close, and it'd just be part of the daytime facade. Just a fence you walk by, no hints of the mystical fog that its nighttime socialites attribute to it. The club you went to the other day is really just a cement yard with a fence around it. But when you were there, it was your goddamn prom. But probably with a lot more drinking, less clothes, and hopefully a better DJ.
So maybe it's not just people willing an awesome time into existence, I think DJ's definitely have something to do with it. If not everything. Shit. There goes my point. But whatever, I'm really horrible at making points anyhow.
Well, here's what I've learned: get a badass DJ when I open my club (after Which Wich's stock plummets before they can realize the benefits of a delicious name. Or sandwich for that matter).

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